The Friday Buzz: Sopes, Holey Moley, and Waterloo!

July 07, 2019

#food #yummy

Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this week.... Sopes, Holey Moley, Waterloo, and more!


Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this week…. Sopes, Holey Moley, Waterloo, and more!

It’s FRIDAY! Whenever Friday rolls around, I find myself jamming out to this song. I think you need to jam to it today too. Speaking of jamming… Remember when I mentioned I was going to see Keith Urban perform on the 4th? I went, I saw, and I fan-girled like there’s no tomorrow. My poor husband… he is so patient while I just go crazy everywhere, but we both agree that it was an absolutely incredible show and definitely a night to remember.

I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating our nation’s independence. The 4th of July is definitely one of my favorite holidays! I love the parades, the food (especially red, white, and blue desserts!), the fireworks… oh, let’s be honest, I love ALL OF IT, but I deeply cherish the freedoms we have here.

Speaking of cherishing, let’s see a little bit of what The Simply Recipes Team cherished this week…


  • Trying new things! Emma loves sopes hard core, but has never made them at home. We definitely need to change that and this video from Yvette at Muy Bueno Cooking makes her want to give them a try!
  •  Holey Moley! Tip of the day: Watching Holey Moley will help you unwind after a wild week. It worked for Andy, and it’ll work for you!
  • New Jams! This has been Emma’s work sound track on repeat for the last few days: La Force!
  • PSA: Summer can’t stop eating blackberries. That is all.
  • Speaking of snacks… Megan is professing her love for another snacking fave… This time its Seeds & Salt Coconut Clusters. Y to the U to the M.
  • Do you Waterloo? It seems sparkling water is all the rage right now, and Carrie is 100% on board with this brand. It’s not too fizzy, tastes scrumptious, and the old-timey font brings all sorts of feels to the surface.
  • Marmalade Cake! Emma also mentioned eating marmalade cake for breakfast a few Buzz’s back, and here is where you can now check out the recipe!


Summer days are all about relaxing and sipping and ice cold drink on the porch! What’s your drink of choice? You can weigh in here, but in the meantime, here’s what some of our readers favorite drinks to sip on:

That strawberry horchata is definitely calling my name!


Thomas left the BEST comment on our Brazilian Cheese Bread this week. Here’s what he had to say:

I go to Sao Paulo every week from the USA, when I arrive the hotel there is Brazilian cheese bread in the lobby. I often wondered how to make it. When I first saw this recipe I was hesitant to try it because it just was too easy. I didn’t think that it could possibly be as good as the authentic Brazilian cheese bread. I was wrong. The cheese bread from this recipe is as good, if not better then the ones served in the hotel lobby. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful recipe.

Keep those comments coming!

Cheers to another hot and sunny summer weekend!

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Claudia Cash

Claudia is the Community Manager for Simply Recipes, and finds joy building relationships with our readers through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. As the mother of 5 girls, she is passionate about family dinner and having that time together every day to connect with those we love, even if it's over toast and eggs.

More from Claudia

Claudia Cash, Khareem Sudlow

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