Friday Things #335 - Kiki Recipe

Friday Things #335

August 29, 2019

#Recipe #Foody

Hello hello! It feels like forever since we’ve caught up, doesn’t it?!

1. We had such a wonderful vacation last week! These three babes absolutely adored their time at the beach and LOVED being in the pool. The boys did PHENOMENAL in the car (we went to Oak Island, NC and it was about a 10.5-hour drive); Isabelle, meanwhile… did her best that could be expected being strapped in the car? HA. All in all, it was a great trip and we were so thrilled seeing the kids experiencing something new and exciting.

2. And because we couldn’t just have a nice and calm week in between vacation and school starting, all of the boys in the house managed to come down with a stomach bug. Isabelle seems to have gotten a very mild version, and I have been somehow spared *knocks on every wood surface in the house*.

3. Speaking of school, we had parent orientation night at the preschool last night for Joseph AND Dominic, gah! They both start on Tuesday next week (Joseph will go four mornings a week this year, and Dominic two short mornings); Joseph is excited to go back and see his friends, and Dominic is really, really looking forward to it. I hope that the goodbyes are easy, eeeeek.

4. I’m not sure what the weather is like right now where you live, but we pulled back into our driveaway around 4:00pm on Saturday and the weather here has been downright GLORIOUS ever since. Highs in the 70’s, sunny, breezy, and the mornings and evenings are chilly and fall-like. Weather nirvana for me.

5. Speaking of weather, if you are in the path of Hurricane Dorian, please stay safe! xo

6. Do you have apple-picking plans yet? If so, I’m just going to leave this slow cooker apple butter recipe right here.

7. I have long been a fan of The Golden Girls since spending SO MANY Saturday nights at my grandma’s house watching with her (and most times with my sister and cousins, as well). My grandma would make us Boboli pizzas, we’d watch Golden Girls, then Empty Nest, I can’t remember what else, and then we got to stay up late and watch Star Search. So many great memories! I can’t believe that a Golden Girls puppet show is a thing now! I didn’t get tickets, but I still love snagging reruns when they’re on :)

8. If you’re packing school lunches this year, these are some good tips!

9. Speaking of, I love this after-school veggie and cheese tray idea from Lauren. Heck, I’d love it for myself! I may give it a try with the boys one afternoon and see how it goes.

10. TGIF! Have an awesome weekend with sweet friends :)

The post Friday Things #335 appeared first on Brown Eyed Baker.


via https://www.DMT.NEWS

Michelle, Khareem Sudlow

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