Your Friday Moment of Zen

August 09, 2019

#Recipe #Foody

[Illustrations: Biodiversity Heritage Library (Octopus, Squid)]

You did it! You made it to the end of another week! Summer weekends, baby!

To celebrate the end of the week, we're going to start offering up a post very much like this one on Friday afternoons.

We see it as an opportunity to go over some of what's new on the site, which you, dear readers, may have missed. But more importantly, we also think of this series as something of a send-off for the weekend, giving you the option of a brief interlude for your Friday afternoon. We hope to provide a short mix of mostly silly, mostly food-related, mostly entertaining things to look at, listen to, and read, and we hope you'll find it amusing, and maybe, sometimes, edifying and enlightening.

If you have feedback, or if you run across any interesting/oddball/totally crazy stories/podcasts/images/videos during the week and you think they may be appropriate for this little collection of miscellany, e-mail us! We might not use it, but we will 100% appreciate the effort.

What's New On Serious Eats

You can, of course, browse all our content in chronological order. But for you, on this day, some highlights:

Our Favorite Comments of the Week

From our review of the best steak knives:

Dexter Russel 6 inch Green River knife Will also cut any steak Walking on the North American continent.Throw it in a carbon steel skillet And Now your cooking.

From a commenter (who we are frankly quite worried about) on Facebook, in response to our excellent condiment opinions:

If you're like me and have taste buds, you don't use condiments!! They're nasty!!!

A Brief Book Break

They talked on and on, using Milkman as the ignition that gunned their memories. The good times, the hard times, things that changed, things that stayed the same—and head and shoulders above it all was the tall, magnificent Macon Dead, whose death, it seemed to him, was the beginning of their own dying even though they were young boys at the time. Macon Dead was the farmer they wanted to be, the clever irrigator, the peach-tree grower, the hog slaughterer, the wild-turkey roaster, the man who could plow forty in no time flat and sang like an angel while he did it. He had come out of nowhere, as ignorant as a hammer and broke as a convict, with nothing but free papers, a Bible, and a pretty black-haired wife, and in one year he'd leased ten acre, the next ten more. Sixteen years later he had one of the best farms in Montour County. A farm that colored their lives like a paintbrush and spoke to them like a sermon. "You see?" the farm said to them. "See? See what you can do? Never mind you can't tell one letter from another, never mind you born a slave, never mind you lose your name, never mind your daddy dead, never mind nothing. Here, this here, is what man can do if he puts his mind to it and his back in it. Stop sniveling," it said. "Stop picking aorund the edges of the world. Take advantage. We live here. On this planet, in this nation, in this county right here. Nowhere else! We got a home in this rock, don't you see! Nobody starving in my home; nobody crying in my home, and if I got a home you got one too! Grab it. Grab this land! Take it, hold it, my brothers, make it, my brothers, shake it, squeeze it, turn it, twist it, beat it, kick it, kiss it, stomp it, dig it, plow it, seed it, reap it, rent it, buy it, sell it, own it, build it, multiply it, and pass it on—can you hear me? Pass it on!"

But they shot the top of his head off and ate his fine Georgia peaches.

From Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, who died this week at the age of 88. Pass it on.

Food Numbers, News, and Hijinks

Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!

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via https://www.DMT.NEWS

The Serious Eats Team, Khareem Sudlow

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