Friday Things #336

September 05, 2019

#Recipe #Foody

1. The boys had their first days of school this week! Joseph started pre-K (otherwise known as 4-year-old preschool, ha!) and Dominic had his first day of preschool ever. Joseph was happy to be back with lots of his friends and get back into his routine, although this year he goes to school Monday through Thursday and initially questioned why he has to go to school SOOOOO MANY DAYS (he still only goes in the morning). Oh dear, just wait!

I went with Dominic for the first day (it was just an hour and a parent stayed with the kids); he had fun playing, coloring, doing puzzles, etc. When I dropped him off yesterday, he was okay until the girl in front of him went into hysterics, and then he lost it a bit, but when I picked him up he was so happy and told me he had fun. Hopefully, he’s excited to go back next week :)

2. Meanwhile, this little spitfire keeps stealing her brothers’ hats and running around the house in them, squealing. Her new thing is hugs and it is just the best. She runs back and forth between Joseph and Dominic making kissing noises and hugging them, and they are so sweet with her; I can’t get enough watching it!

3. Does anyone have a dish soap dispenser they like? I buy a huge bottle of Dawn from Costco, so I don’t like to have it out on the counter, but we also have to keep taking it out at least a handful of times a day. I’d love a clean-looking solution for the counter… any suggestions?

4. It’s that time of year again! I would love for you to send me YOUR favorite fall and holiday recipes! You guys have some of the BEST recipes out there and I love making and featuring some of them every year. Hit me up via email ( with your tried and true favorites!

5. Yes to all of this >> The Art of Letting Go

6. It is now officially football season, which means you totally need to make buffalo chicken dip.

7. Loving this post from Cassie on zero-waste lunches. The boys don’t get packed lunches yet (although last year Joseph had the option to stay for lunch and extra afternoon activities, which he LOVED), but I am LOVING all of the lunch ideas pictured in this post. We totally get stuck in a sandwich rut, and I love all of the variety shown here!

8. Do you have any fall bucket list items? I’d love to hear what you’re planning for this glorious season! There’s a local apple festival that we always enjoy hitting up; that’s all I’ve got so far!

9. Now that the mornings are chillier, I’m planning to make a batch of baked oatmeal for the kids for breakfast. What are some of your favorite add-ins? Mine love fresh berries, so I’ll probably stick with that while they’re still looking good.

10. TGIF! I hope you get some quality time with your favorite buddies this weekend :)

The post Friday Things #336 appeared first on Brown Eyed Baker.


via https://www.DMT.NEWS

Michelle, Khareem Sudlow

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