Friday Things #337 - Kiki Recipe

Friday Things #337

September 12, 2019

#Recipe #Foody

1. We’re two weeks into the school year now (which means three non-Mom days for Dominic) and he’s still struggling a bit at dropoff. He seems to have fun once he’s there – he’s singing their “carpet” song and goodbye song at home, and has been playing with friends on the playground, doing activities and crafts; it just makes me so sad that he’s sad when I drop him off :( I know it’s totally common, but Joseph never ever cried (which actually shocked me), so this is new territory for me.

2. Isabelle has become absolutely hysterical; she’s developing a total personality and loves to run, giggle, tease… it’s so, so much fun to watch. Now her brothers are chasing HER because she thinks it’s so funny and giggles non-stop, then THEY get the giggles. Ahhhh, makes my heart melt.

3. Someone is going to start hockey soooooooon! :)

4. The anniversary of 9/11 always pulls at me, especially when the day is as sunny and blue-skied as it was all those years ago. And boy, this post showed up in my feed Wednesday night, on a day when everyone was tired and cranky and whining and not listening and bedtime could not come soon enough, and it was exactly what I needed to read. A big dose of perspective.

5. So many wonderful ideas >> 12 Ways to Find More Time in Your Busy Life

6. Too early for pumpkin cupcakes? My husband requested pumpkin pie for dessert this weekend, so I’m thinking not, but I’ll just leave that link right there and let you decide ;-)

7. This is definitely hard with little kids, but I love the notion >> Why Slow Mornings May Be the Secret to Tech-Life Balance

8. Can someone please shed some light on whyyyyyyy I am getting little pinholes on the front of some of my shirts? It’s a few of my thinner shirts, some go in the dryer, some hang dry so it’s not the dryer and I can’t figure it out. They’re all in the same spot – sort of right in the middle of the front of my shirt. Something I’m rubbing against and not realizing? It’s driving me bananas because they’re some of my favorite shirts!

9. We are still plowing through Line of Duty (it’s on Hulu) and are currently in the third season. So far, it feels like each season gets better than the one before… so good – highly recommend!

10. TGIF! I hope you have a cozy weekend!

The post Friday Things #337 appeared first on Brown Eyed Baker.


via https://www.DMT.NEWS

Michelle, Khareem Sudlow

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