Friday Things #341

October 10, 2019

#Recipe #Foody

1. I got to hang out on Joseph’s field trip to a local farm yesterday; it was an absolutely gorgeous morning for looking at pumpkins and eating fresh-picked apples. He had so much fun! It was optional for parents to stay and when we got in the car I told him how much fun I had with him and he said, “Mommy, I’m so glad you stayed with me!” Melted my heart because I know one day he’ll be hoping I don’t volunteer to chaperone ;-)

2. We had Dominic’s 3rd birthday party this weekend and he had such a great time. We did a construction truck theme since he’s been absolutely obsessed with the book Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site for months now. He can be super shy and doesn’t always like getting attention, but I think he loved it this time around :)

3. Isabelle was 18 months old on Sunday! Quite literally the fastest year and a half of my life. This girl is all-in on every emotion – total belly laughing, squealing with delight, and screaming her head off when she’s not happy, HA! It’s been so fun to watch her relationships with her brothers emerge and it is just so sweet; I love seeing them all loving on each other.

4. Who has had a “bumpy” cake before? It’s my understanding that it’s a midwest thing? Tell me more!!

5. Some wonderful nuggets in here >> 9 Things About Happiness and Money We’re Often Taught Too Late

6. Did you make the Sticky Buns for October’s bake-along yet? Tell me all about it!

7. What have been your favorite non-fiction books?

8. YES >> Food Isn’t Good or Bad, and Neither Are You

9. We started DCI Banks a couple of nights ago and so far we’re liking it!

10. TGIF! Wishing you a happy and fun weekend!

The post Friday Things #341 appeared first on Brown Eyed Baker.


via https://www.DMT.NEWS

Michelle, Khareem Sudlow

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