Friday Things #342 - Kiki Recipe

Friday Things #342

October 17, 2019

#Recipe #Foody

1. This girl had her 18-month checkup and has skyrocketed to the 88th percentile in height and 86th in weight, which I know doesn’t mean much because babies and kids grow and slow down at all different times, but it does explain why people who see her and ask how old she is then inevitably respond with, “oh my gosh, she’s so tall!”. She obviously has not gotten those genes from her 5’1 mother ;-)

2. Nothing makes Dominic quite as happy as when he gets to use his own umbrella… I love how much joy these kids get from the small things in life :)

3. Joseph is LOVING hockey! He works really hard and is enjoying it so much; it’s a big jump for him because it’s a full hour and none of the other classes or lessons he’s done (skating, swimming, etc.) have never been longer than 30 minutes. He’s always starving afterward :)

4. Do you have a favorite cuticle cream or oil that you swear by? I’d love for mine to stop looking so dry and gnarly, ugh.

5. Have you heard that Pam and Angela from The Office created a podcast (it debuted this week) called “The Office Ladies“?? They’re rewatching each episode and talking about it, the behind the scenes, etc. I cannot WAIT to listen! The Office remains one of my very favorite shows of all time – it’s still one of the only shows that makes me belly laugh when I watch it!

6. Too early for holiday candy? Never! I promise that people will clamor for slow cooker peanut clusters at any time of year.

7. I’ve wanted to traipse through New England during the fall for as long as I can remember and these pictures are making me wish I could teletransport myself!

8. Can I just say how much I absolutely loathe scary movies? Anyone else? I just can’t make myself be terrified on purpose; I find no joy in it!

9. Talk to me about weighted blankets… I mean, is it just a heavy blanket? I can’t wrap my head around this phenomenon!

10. TGIF! All spruced up for fall!

The post Friday Things #342 appeared first on Brown Eyed Baker.


via https://www.DMT.NEWS

Michelle, Khareem Sudlow

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